
Thursday 3 September 2015

My Ear in Her Hand

She was a female peon who was responsible for many things. She did not do cleaning work, but was more of a messenger, but she wore a peon's light blue uniform. her name was Rakha, she was referred to as Rakha Boa in the school.

Rakha Boa was on her way to the security office which was located near he gate of the school. she was going through the senior section when a teacher called her. The teacher wanted to send a student of hers to the Headmistress's office for not bringing her textbook. when Rakha Boa is asked to take a student to the office she does it the Rakha Boa way. She holds the students ears and pulls it to the office. something which the students hate very much.

The student was Safia of class 9. Safia was feeling very bad that she was being sent to the office just because she had forgot to bring her textbook for the second time. this is no offense.
Rakha Boa held Safia's right ear and started taking her. But to Safia's great disappointment she was going the other way of the office.
"Office is that way." Safia said with a look on her face which every student makes when they are being pulled by their ear.

"i have some work in the security office, then i will take you to the Headmistress office."
Safia got so annoyed by this. this was the first time she was being taken to the office the Rakha Boa way. it felt so humiliating.  so disgusting. She felt like a animal, being pulled by the ear. Rakha Boa was pulling her ear to the security office which was near the gate, all the guards and peons sit there. what could be more humiliating.
they reached the security office and Rakha Boa took her in. there were about 4 men sitting there. Safia felt like she was going to die. they were all staring right at her face. she kept her gaze low.

 her ear had gone red. Rakha Boa was not even letting go for a second. Sometimes she was holding her ear lobe, sometimes she was moving her hand up to hold the middle of the ear. Rakha Boa's grip on the ear was getting loose from time to time, so she was tightening it as it got loose. her hand would slip to the edge of the ear, then she would bring it up catching the whole ear tightly again. that sensation was making Safia fill up with disgust.
As they both came out of the office, Safia heard the mean laughing behind her.
"What is this day?" Safia asked herself.

now finally Rakha Boa was on the way to the office. she was going through the assembly area. on the way another peon came and started talking about some work with Rakha Boa so she had to stop. Rakha Boa stood with her hand on Safia's ear. Safia could not behold any more, "Can we just go quickly." Safia said to Rakha Boa.
"What's the hurry?" Rakha Boa said shaking her by ear. "What's the hurry?"
Safia felt even more stupid.
They kept standing for about 5 minutes. Rakha Boa's grip loosening and tightening again and again filling Safia up with more and more disgust and humiliation. Her ear was paining. She even considered asking Rakha Boa to pull her other ear, but she felt stupid asking it. at the end the peon told that another teacher was asking for her.
So now Rakha Boa turned to the senior section building instead of going straight to the office. Safia's mind was numb now.
When Rakha Boa reached the class, that teacher also wanted to send a girl to the headmistress's office. So Rakha Boa held that girls ear also.
By now it had been 12 minutes since Safia's ear was held, still she wasnt in the headmistress's office.
Now Rakha Boa started for the Headmistress's Office.
Now Safia was feeling even more humiliated. now Rakha Boa was holding the ears of 2 girls, one in each hand. Safia strangely found this even more humiliating because of the intimacy she was feeling with the other girl. on the way, another teacher called her. she had to send a girl to the office also.
Now Rakha Boa could not hold any more ears. she considered for a second whether she can hold 2 girls ears in one hand. but at once she knew it was not possible.

so she called another peon who was cleaning the floor. the other peon looked a little dirty as she was a sweeper. Rakha Boa told her to hold the ear the other girl. the other girl said," No way, she is a sweeper, no way she is touching me." Rakha Boa was surprised at this. Rakha Boa insisted the sweeper to take hold of her ear but the other girl was not allowing this.
"can i hold my own ears to the office?" she asked. "No, if i take you to the office i take you like this." Rakha Boa said.
"Just come back for me." other girl said.
"I dont have time, kaan pakaro iska." Rakha Boa addressed both the girl and the sweeper.
"Noooo," the girl moved back to avoid her ear being held.

Safia was filling up with anger.
"She can hold mine," Safia said. Safia wanted to end this situation quickly so that they can go to the office. so Safia's ear was now held by the sweeper and Rakha Boa held the other girls ear.
To Safia's bad luck, the sweeper was holding the ear even more badly. not only holding, she also twisted it. Safia led out a cry and made a disgusted face.

Finally they reached the office. it was now 20 mintues since Safia's ear was held.
The Headmistress sentenced the three girls to kneel down outside the office for about an hour.

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