
Thursday 29 August 2013

New Life,New Rules (chapter 2)

Next day as I head home I am nervous because Baba will be back and he will be at home right now. I get out of my car in my starch white uniform. The nervousness is making me perspire. I get out and go straight to the hall. I greet Baba, but he seems upset from me. I am guessing my complaint has already been made.
“What is this Rabya, your mother punished you, and you didn’t comply. You must do everything she says.”
I looked down. Then when he had finished I said, “But she was giving me an age inappropriate punishment, Baba.” After some explanations and pleads Baba seemed content. But when she showed up, Baba asked her is the punishment still on. His response shook me, I thought he had betrayed me, just like when he betrayed me by doing another marriage. Of course she said the punishment was still on and I should become a murga for half an hour, since its my first time, otherwise she would have made me for whole hour.
“Okay, let me change and get some rest first, after that I will become murga in my room only. Not outside.”
“No way, it is a punishment, you don’t get to negotiate. You will become murga right here, in the hall and right now, in your uniform only.”
“Curse you, hag.” I thought to myself.
She pointed to place beside a sofa. I walked over and stood.
“You know how to become murga, do you?”
“yes.” I said, with a look of disgrace and nausea.
I bent down and took my hands around my thighs to catch my ears.
“Mehreen, come here and look upon Rabya aapi while she is punished, make sure she does not leave her ears.”
Both Mehreen and Zara came to the hall and sat on the sofas to watch over me. I guess they must be excited to see their elder sister, who scolds them all the time in murga.
“Do you want me to make sure that she keeps her buttocks up also?” Mehreen asked.
“No, since it is her first time let her relax her legs, only take care of the ears.”
Then she left the hall and went to the kitchen.
“you are so lucky aapi, when ammi makes us murga, she does not let our legs relax, she just wants our buttocks up all the time.” Mehreen said.
“whatever.” I said, the words hardly escaped my mouth because of the humiliation and embarrassment.
Few seconds now even seemed hours.
This is when the bell rang. I hoped it were not guests. But to my bad luck, they were. It was her sister. I could hear them both at the door.
“Zunara, how’s it going?”
“I’m fine, how are you my sweety, Malika.”
As soon as I heard that they were coming to the hall, I stood up.
Malika, my new aunt had a daughter also, Saba. Saba had tried to befriend me, I didn’t bother. Saba was about my age.
Saba was accompanying her mother and they were headed for the hall. I started walking towards my room when she called me from back.
“Rabya where do you think you are going.”
“To my room , to complete my punishment, there are guest here.” Her sister and niece were standing at her back.
“You are going nowhere, become murga back here, in front of the guests.”
As soon as she said this I could see Saba and Malika had a smile on their faces.
I went back to being murga. They all sat on the sofas.
“So, you have started your new daughter into this already, she is old Zunara, at least spare her this punishment.” Malika said.
“No, not at all, I treat all my daughters equally, she has got poor grades in O’levels, she must be severely punished.” That ended the talk on me. They chatted for a while then they went to the kitchen, leaving Saba, Mehreen and Zara in the hall.
“How much more time to go?” I asked.
“About 15 more minutes.” Mehreen answered.
“What?!” I could not believe it, it seemed like eternity and I was only half way through my punishment.
This is when the bell rang again. This time I could not hear who it was. Zara had gone to open the door. Then I heard her voice from the kitchen,”api’s friend is here, what should I say to her ammi?”
“Tell her Rabya is punished right now and still has about 15 more minutes on herself. If she can wait then come inside or come back later.”
I could not believe my ears. My social life had ended. When my friends would find out about this they will laugh their pants off. The whole school will laugh at me, all my A’level life is destroyed. It was probably Sofia, and she must be now updating her facebook status that I am punished in my house. But to my horror she came inside. She came to the hall and said,”I’ll wait for you in your room Rabya.”
Her voice sounded light, she would probably make fun of me when I go back to my room.

to be continued.......

Wednesday 28 August 2013

New Life, New Rules.

I come home to my new family, yes new family, I don’t know these people. Not even my  father. He has become a complete stranger. He never does the things he did for me when my mother was alive. My mother died last year and my father has already married, two months before my mother’s death anniversary. My new mother is a complete gawaar, desi type of Punjabi. She is so backward. You can see in the way she talks, she dresses, she laughs, she cooks, in everything she does.
She has brought along two of her young daughters. They are twins and just six years old. I just cannot stand looking at these three strangers living in my house. This woman cannot take my mother’s place. I can’t accept her standing in the kitchen, on the dining table, everywhere.
I have got my O’level result today. I have got 9 D’s. Very persistent I am in getting D’s. I don’t bother telling my new mother the grades as I don’t acknowledge her at all. I will tell to Baba directly. When I got my three subjects result last year, 3 D’s, Baba did not say anything. I got a little scolding from Mom though. I wish Mom was here to scold me again.
I go straight to my room. I don’t even greet her. I used to always greet my Mom by a peck on her cheek and she used to peck on mine. We were like friends, more than just mother and daughter. Although my new mother is not a harsh type of step-mother who hates her step-daughter, she is very caring and kind, but I hate her still. I avoid talking to her in every way possible. I even avoid her daughters. They are always running around and making noise in the house, I hate their sounds and whenever I get the chance I shout at them, to keep down.
“You must have got your result today, beta Rabya.” It’s my stepmother. I do not intend to tell her. She is standing right outside the door.
“I’ll tell you when I come out, I am getting ready.” I lie; I am just lying on the bed. I cannot be rude to her and disrespect her, because my father does not like it. Once I misbehaved with her, my father gave me two slaps on my face and made me apologize to her. That was the most humiliating day of my life. I have never apologized to anyone in my life, never said sorry, even when the mistake was mine.
I feel hungry and must eat. Regardless of the fact that I do not want to see her today I go down in the hall to have lunch. She has cooked curry. I eat.
“What was your result?”
“I got all D’s, just like last year, this makes a total of 9 D’s.” I say carelessly, I am least bothered about her reaction to this. I am still looking at my plate, not looking at her, not wanting to look at her.
“All D’s. That is terrible Rabya, how could you be careless about it, look at you, not worried a bit about your grades.”
“I am fine, thanks.”
“You must be punished for this, education is really important. A careless attitude towards education in my house will not be tolerated.”
Her words bit into my flesh. She dares to say I must be punished, she dare say my house her own. I grind my teeth but say nothing, caged in by Baba’s slaps.
“Finish your lunch, and then I will punish you.”
I stand at once. ”My mother never punished me, so you cannot punish me either, let Baba decide what shall be done, not you, thank you very much.”
I choose my words with a lot of precaution, as I knew if she gets the feeling that I am being disrespectful, my Baba will beat the shit out of me, as he had threatened to break my legs if I ever misbehaved with her again.
“Sit down and finish your lunch, lady, otherwise you will receive a slap.”
I had never heard this kind of tone in her voice. It was stern and it shook me a little.
“Since you are my daughter now, you will be treated the way my other daughters are treated. If your mother did not punish you, let me get this straight, you will be as I am your mother. New rules will be implied in your life now.”
There was so much steadiness in her voice that I couldn’t do anything but just sit down. I sat but did not eat. I don’t know what kind of sick punishment she will give me.
After she had eaten lunch she asked me to come with her to the hall. Both her daughters, Zara and Mehreen also came. She sat on the sofa, I remained standing in front of her. I had no idea how she punished her daughters, I had never seen it. And by the way, I had never been punished by my mother. She had only scolded me in her life. Although my father had beaten me when I was a child, and lately given me slaps because of her.
“Since you have gotten bad grades in O’levels, which are the finals, you must be punished severely. Become a murga.”
“Did I hear you correctly, I think you said become murga?”
“You heard correct, become murga.”
“I am a girl, 16 years old, it’s a boys punishment and for small children.”
“Who told you, it is a punishment for girls also, I got this punishment when I was in matric, class 10, 15 years old. Become murga quick.”
“That is old times, nobody gives this punishment anymore.”
“Just become murga before a raise my hands on you.”
I didn’t knew what to say to this. If she raised her hands on me, I would not be able to hold myself back, I will hit her back. And certainly I am not ready to become murga in front of her at any cost.
“Look, I am not becoming murga in front of you. Let Baba come, he will decide what should be done. I am too big for this.”
“So you are disobeying me.” She stood up while saying this. Her voice sounded threatening.
“Yes.” I said, mustering up all the courage I had. She had came up close to me. Is this the moment I thought, will she get physical with me. If she gets, I will too. This will be the end of the new family my Baba had tried to forge. If this happens I don’t know what will be next for me. I don’t know what will Baba do with me. But she did not hit me. She just told me that I will become murga when Baba comes back, that will be tomorrow when I return from school. Baba was out of city now. I know when Baba comes I will come out of this situation as he will understand. We do not do these kind of punishments in the house. I will plead to him and he will let me go, I am sure.

to be continued..................

Saturday 24 August 2013

The Mahatma Pandit

As the day matured, it was time for lunch. middle aged vijay kumar sat on his charpoy in the farm and started waiting for his daughter to bring him lunch.

he was troubled. his daughter had grown old enough to get married. he had to look for a suitable groom for her, if his wife was here she would have done this job very easily.
the thought of his wife gave him a tinge of pain in his heart.
he had beat her very badly in front of the whole village and thrown her out of the house.
the very next day he had realized he had done a grave mistake. fights between husband and wife are a everyday affair. this didnt mean he should have humiliated her in front of the whole village and banished her out of the house.

within a week he had gone back to pick her up form her brother's house, but she refused to come after all that humiliation and said she would never return.

there was no school in the village and everyone was illiterate. they believed in religion very much. they had religious books in the house but did not know how to read them.
the thought highly of the pandits who visited the village every now and then.
they thought keeping pandits happy is keeping bhagwan happy. they believed that pandits have direct communication with bhagwan and they used to get their problems solved by them.

vijay was engrossed in his thoughts when he heard some chanting of mantras. when he looked in the direction of the voice, he saw a pandit approaching.
vijay immediately stood up and greeted him. the pandit sat on the charpoy and said
'give me food to eat'
the pandits used to take full advantage of the villagers illiteracy and used to eat food form their houses and even stay in their houses. the villagers did this happily and thought bhagwan would be happy with them if they keep good care of the pandits.

'yes sarkar, my daughter would soon be coming with lunch' replied vijay.
vijay then thought that he should ask the pandit for a solution for his problem. the pandit may give him a word to chant and some rituals to perform so that his wife would agree to come back.

'sarkar i have a problem, my wife has gone away, i want her back, what should i do?
'why did she go?'
vijay felt ashamed to tell. he thought it was all his fault. he had admonished himself severely ever since. he thought that he should tell the pandit the whole truth as there is no use lying or hiding the truth from him as he could just ask bhagwan of the whole story.

'sarkar its all my fault, we had an argument and then i beat her and threw her out of the house.'

just then, vijay's daughter came with lunch.
she was 18 years old, sallow silky skin, beautiful face, full grown breasts, fleshy buttocks. RIPE to be precise, everything a man wants in a girl.
the pandit could not remove his eyes of her.
'who is she?'
'she is my daughter, Priyanka. beta priyanka touch the sarkars feet.'
priyanka obeyed. the sense of touch of her hands felt sensual to the pandit.

 then priyanka started serving lunch on the charpoy.
the pandit kept his eyes on priyanka's breasts all the time. then priyanka left.

the pandit ate everything leaving nothing for vijay. then pandit thought he wanted something more. his daughter.

'okay, so what was your problem again?'
'my wife, i want her back.'
'yes, let me see.'
the pandit looked at the sky. acting as if someone was telling him something.
'i see that you have done a great cruelty to your wife. bhagwan is very angry at you. you and your daughter are in great danger. take me to your house to that i may stop the danger.'

vijay was scared, but happy too because he was sure the pandit would stop any danger from coming to his house.

vijay's house was very small. a small courtyard like area used as a sitting room and a kitchen. two rooms and a bathroom.

both came in the house and the pandit sat on a chair in the courtyard. vijay sat on the ground beside him. by the signal of the pandit priyanka also came and sat beside her father.

'i see that you both will suffer a disease and die as a punishment for what you have done. but you can stop it if you follow my instructions.'
'you,' pointing at vijay,'you must go barefoot to the river and bring water from it now, leave your daughter here i will tell her what to do'
' okay sarkar, priyanka keep good care of the sarkar and do everything he says.' vijay said
priyanka nodded.
to go to the river and come back by foot would mean six hours. vijay left. vijay had full faith in the pandit and could leave him with his daughter alone.

' your father has done a very sinful act, you must take punishments in order to stop the disease from coming'

priyanka nodded. she didnt even think why she has to take punishment for a sin her father had done.
'stand up and hold your ears and pull them'
priyanka did as told.
'not like this, keep your elbows up and sideways'
priyanka did so so that her upper arms were 90 degree from her body,her ears were stretched sideways now rather then downwards.
'now do 100 situps, sit completely and stand completely and count loudly.'
priyanka started doing it
the pandit kept his eyes on the side opening of priyanka's kameez, as she was wearing shalwar kameez. the tightening and loosening of her shalwar against her thighs were providing an alluring look.

after only 20 she was tired. but she continued for sake of her life.
after 100 the pandit said,' now get in the murga position.'

priyanka had never been punished as murga, still she knew how to become as she had seen others in that position in the village.
she bent down slowly and brought her hands between her long legs and held her ears. this time also she was made to pull them.
again the pandit kept his eyes on the side opening of the kameez of priyanka. the shalwar had got tightened and giving the shape of her thighs.

the pandit loved to make females murga. whenever a female used to come to him to ask for a remedy to get their sins forgiven he used to make them murga for long hours. the age group he like to make murga was between 15 to 40. women in sari were even made murga. he made them lift their sari above their knees in front of everyone and punish some instances there were about 15 to 20 murgis in one line beside him.

 the pandit loved making females murga. women's legs were fully exposed when they held their saris up to become murga. this would go on for hours.
Priyanka was in murga pose for about ten minutes. she was strictly told to held her buttocks high. her legs were getting tired now. she brought her butt down.

'oh, you brought them down, now you will have to do murga parade round the courtyard for one hour.'

priyanka did this as this was better than holding butt high as she could bring them down now. but murga parade was no cakewalk either. after a few steps her ears felt like coming off due to irregular movements and stretching. her legs also felt like breaking apart.
but she was able to do this for an hour.

'now come with me to the room.' pandit said.
they went in and he locked the room.
'do you know how to recite the bhagwad gita?'
priyanka shook her head.
the pandit caught her ear and pulled and twisted it. then gave her slaps on her face.'what kind of a hindu are you.'
priyanka wanted to cry but held herself strong.
'i have a solution for this. put your lips on mine and i will recite, that should do it for you.'
priyanka obeyed. when enough juice was filled in his body he removed her form him.

'now remove all your clothes.'
this was really shocking for her. the last time she was naked in front of anyone was her mother when she was 4. even her father had never seen her completely naked ever.
but she had this instance last year when she felt as she was naked in front of other people. their family had gone to take a bath in the ganga. priyanka went in wearing only a bra and shalwar. when she came out her shalwar had stuck to her legs and become transparent. her full cleavage of the buttocks could be seen. everyone was watching. she had felt as she was naked in public.

but this was something even more. but she had to do this as there was no other choice.

she went to corner and started removing her clothes.
she was not wearing any underwear.
what she was form above she was, form inside she seemed like a marble statue. spotless, silky, untouched by man.
pandit had never seen such a creation. he had seen many naked females. he often used to strip women in front of him. he once even made a girl parade naked in a village for having a love affair, however the boy was left without any punishment.
pandit put both his hands on her breasts and brought them closer and put his nose in between.

'you are a virgin i can smell.'
the sense of touch rose goosebumps on her virgin body.

the pandit then started reconnoitring her buttocks as if a doctor sees a patient. her buttocks were fleshy ,silky and juicy.
priyanka went red,although she thought all of this as nothing but a religious ritual.

half an hour later, priyanka had lost her virginity. marks had appeared all over her body.
' i must give you a bath now.'
he gave her a bath while she was still stark naked.
her breasts were given extra soaping and rubbing.
then he dried with a towel, this time the area between her legs was given extra attention.
then he told her to become murga in the courtyard while still naked.
priyanka still obeyed, although her body was breaking apart after all those rituals.
' you must stay in that position until your father returns. tell your father that your mother will agree to come home now.all danger is over now.'
he had a one last look at her and left.

when vijay arrived he saw his young daughter naked in murga pose in the courtyard. she was so tired that she was bringing her buttocks up and down to find a comfortable position. she could not.
priyanka told him everything. at once he left to bring his wife back.
when he reached her she at once agreed to come. vijay thught what a mahatma pandit everything he told us to do worked.
she said,'when i refused to come with you my brothers were really upset and wanted me to leave. but i thought that you would never come back to take me and going back myself was no option as that would be really humiliating for me. so i went to a pandit and he told me to do certain things so that you would come to pick me up. he made me murga for 3 hours and then spent one night with me while i was naked. in the morning he said that i should wait for you and you will come back for me again. and now you have, what a mahatma pandit.'

Thursday 22 August 2013

The Awaiting Policeman Part 2

Kirti had started to cry and could no longer take it. But she also did not have the guts to disobey
the policeman. Her cries got a bit louder and so the policeman noticed.
"Why are you crying girl?"
"I can't take it please stop." Kirti sniveled.
"Okay, stop, stand up."
Kirti gradually started to stand up, her complete body was in pain. Standing upright now was also difficult. Her legs had cramped, and she stood bending them from the knees.
"Stop crying."
Kirti wiped off her tears and tried to compile herself. She was feeling better now that the punishment was over.
"I cant have a suspect standing like this freely. Go and face the wall. " Kirti took two steps towards the wall and stood facing it.
"Hold your ears." Kirti's hands were paining a lot, but she still took them to her red and aching ears.
all this activity was making her perspire now.
"Keep your arms at a 90 degree angle with your body.
Kirti raised her elbows sideways. she was now feeling very stupid, like a student being punished
for bad behavior. but the poilce man was not done yet.
"kneel down also."
Kirti now felt drained by all this. her energy had almost finished from the body.
she put her knees on the tile floor.
all her student life she had never got these type of punishments, but at the age of 20, in just a few
minutes she had been given all sorts of humiliations students are rendered at school.

the policeman's phone rang.
"yes sir, yes sir, yes sir.
she refuses sir.
i have checked sir.
what sir.
do i have authority sir?
yes sir, yes sir, as you say sir."

"it was my boss. he wants a thorough check before arresting you. get up."
Kirti got up, puzzled by what the police man meant by a thorough check.

"take off your clothes." police man ordered Kirti.
"what??!!" kirti thought she could not have heard this.
"look, the easier you will do it, the easier things will go. the victims are closely related to a politician. they want no FIR or any police case. they just want to make sure you dont have their thing."
"but you cant strip search me, only a woman  police can." kirti knew a little about this law.
"yes, but we don't have women police in the district right now, i have been given the authority to do it, in special circumstances a  male can do it."

"i wont take me clothes off in front of you, please call a female police, never ever you will see me
without my clothes." Kirti had tried to show some courage, but she was feeling the dread, the possibility of a strip search she knew now was inevitable and it would probably be by this this policeman.

"look, it is not a matter of law right now. it is more a political matter, and you know everything is fair in politics, just take off your clothes before i have to force you."
the policeman said it with so much energy that Kirti knew she cannot avoid it.

she started unbuttoning her shirt.
then she removed it and gave it to the police man. the police man checked it thoroughly and kept it aside.
"go on." the police man said when he saw Kirti had stopped.
she was wearing skin colored bra and the thought that she would be wearing skin colored panty which he will just see was stimulating for the policeman.

Kirti unbuttoned her pants and then unzipped it.
it was tight so removing it was difficult. this is when she realized she had not removed her shoes. she removed them and gave it to the policeman now. he checked them.
then she went on with the pant.
the policeman was disappointed to see that her panty was not skin colored but cyan in color.
she removes her pant completely and gave it to the policeman.
then her socks.
now only her undies had been left.
"do it quickly, i don't have all day with you." he said it with so much indifference that kirti thought that seeing a naked girl is no big a deal for him.
she started removing her bra. then removed it completely and gave it to the policeman.
then the most erotic thing was left. kirti removed it. even by seeing her removing the item, the policeman had an erection.
kirti gave the panty to the policeman and saw the rise in his pants.
she went red after seeing it. the policeman took the panty in his hand and could not believe his luck.
he examined it and found nothing.
"now i must check your body. you know there is nothing stuck in your butt or something.
turn around and bend over."
to his surprise, Kirti complied without any reluctance.
he put his hands on her butt and made the cleavage more wider to inspect inside.
the touch made endorphins run in his body.
then  he asked her to stand.
"jump up and down for a while. so maybe the necklace might fall."
Kirti started jumping up and down. nothing fall.
"go and face the wall again while i talk to my sir again."
Kirti went to the wall and face it, this time butt naked.
she was feeling cold.
stimulating for the policeman.
"yes sir,yes sir, sir i strip searched her here.
okay sir, on my way sir."
"miss kirti, it seems that your claim was right, the real culprit has been caught, you are innocent,
please ignore whatever happened to you."
Kirti was too confused to say anything, she stood dumbfounded, naked not knowing what to do now.
when she started to wear her clothe, she realized her panty was missing.

the policeman left quickly. he went straight home.
"Man that was too easy! next prey the beauty that works in Mcdonalds outlet."

Tuesday 20 August 2013

The Awaiting Policeman

The Awaiting Policeman.

The day had been bad for kirti. she had hurt her foot by banging it on the door,
during breakfast she had spilled her tea, her uniform had a crow shit on it so she had to wash it and then
iron it to dry.
she thought the day was bad and something bad was going to happen. although she was not superstitious, she had
the feeling that something bad was going to happen.
she wore her uniform, tight khaki pants and a scanty red shirt which accentuated her assets and barely
covered her upper arms.
she worked in a pizza hut outlet. she was a waitress and sometimes did managerial work when the manager was busy in
something else.
not from a poor family, but a well off family fallen on bad times.
kirti's father had just faced a company dissolution and now was doing a job.
kirti's mother was also doing a job at a boutique.
since her father's company closure, kirti had faced all sorts of trouble in fullfilling her needs.
she had from 10,000 rupees a month pocket money gone down to effectively nothing.
her father always gave her the suggestion to get a job if she wanted more money.
she had tried giving tuition, but they still lived in a posh area, where the parents only hired proper,
experienced tutors. at the age of 20 she would not get a better work than this.
when things got a little more frustrated she decided to heck with it and become a waitress.
she got the job easily, as pizza hut is always looking for girls like her, beautiful, young and from good
the waitress job was not easy, she got teased and harrassed many times.
customers used to find excuses to bump with her. hands on buttocks was a commonplace. once she even was
pinched on them.
but she earned 15000 rupees, which was a good bargain for her.

kirti got in the car to take her to her workplace. it was a car pool of 4 people.
she reached and as usual started working.
her manager was in a bad mood today.
"somebody left the fridge opened yesterday." her manager, shweta came and told her.
"who could it be?" kirti asked, she had no idea about it.
"it was you, who else could it be."
"no ma'am, i didnt even go in the kitchen yesterday."
"well, let me see, when i find the culprit, he or she will be fired."

kirti had no idea who left the fridge opened, but she knew shweta had the suspicion on her. kirti knew shweta
did not like her. she was looking for ways to get her fired.
kirti thought to be extra carefull that day. but she never knew what fate awaited at midday.

a police man came and asked for the manager of the outlet.
shweta went straight to him and asked him what had happened.
kirti was looking from a distance. she did not knew what was going on.
they both kept talking and then shweta led the policeman into the back of the restaurant.

after a while shweta came out and came straight to kirti.
"follow me kirti."
kirti complied without reluctance.
shweta led her into the store room. the police man was sitting there on the chair and there was
another chair in front of him.
"sit."shweta ordered her in a stern and cross voice.
kirti got the feeling something was very wrong and she is in big trouble.
"so miss kirti, i am from the nearby police station, we have a complain against you. they say you have
stolen a necklace from a customer today."
"what!!??" kirti was flabbergasted at this statement from the police officer.
"there must be some mistake, i mean....... i mean........."
"no need to give any explanations. just give it back, i am not here to arrest you, i am just
here to collect the necklace, there wont be any case, any FIR. just return it. the victims want what is theirs
and they wont do a thing to you. understand."

"but i didnt do anything." kirti was speaking the truth, there must have been a big misunderstanding.
"we have witnesses and they have identified you while you were working. if you want it to end the easy way
just return the necklace."
"i dont have it." kirti's voice sounded like she would burst out crying any moment.
"thats it, we need to search you, turn out your pockets."
kirti immediately turned her pockets out. there was no necklace.
her handbag was also searched nothing came out.
shweta was acting like a deputy to the police, she had a perfect chance of getting kirit fired.
she helped the police officer search the handbag and kirti's pockets.

"look miss kirti, the people behind these guys are very powerful, they can strip me of my uniform,
they dont want a police case, but just want their thing back. if you have give it now, otherwise
things will go rough. you will be arrested and you know how the women police interrogate. they'll pull
your hair and slap you hard."
"please trust me police inspector,i have nothing." kirti had now started to cry.
"okay then, i will have to take you in."
"please let me call my parents."
"no, not yet, first i need to take you to the police station then only you can call anyone, its a rule.
you are not arrested yet, but in the process, during the process you cannot call anyone."

hot tears were now rolling down kirti's face.

the police man dialed a number on his cellphone.
"yes, bring the mobile, she disagrees to have anything, we need to arrest.
what! how much long?
one hour, what am i supposed to do until then, i have an accused with me.
the police man kept away the phone now.
"the mobile will take about an hour to reach here, they are busy in a raid. until then you are
in my custody. miss shweta, please leave, i cannot afford anyone talking to her until she is arrested."
shweta left the store and got busy in her work.
kirti felt cornered, trapped. she did not know what to do.

"i have the right to call someone, i know this much law."
"dont teach me law, missy. do you know i have the right to detain anyone for 24 hours without any good reason,
i am practising this right, you are not arrested yet, so you have no right to call now, i have
kept you under my custody, for atleast 24 hours you do only what i tell you to do."

the police man slumped in his chair and started smoking. after his cigarette finished he spoke again.
"still 55 minutes left for the mobile to arrive, what do i do, i am stuck with you, you know i was
really waiting for this raid that the other policemen are carrying out right now.
i was planning it for months and because of you i have missed it and sitting in this shithole, waiting for you to be
kirti had mustered up her courage by now and had stopped crying.
"you deserve some punishment. catch your ears."
kirti did not know how to react at first. she sat still in her chair looking in the police man's eyes,
thinking did he really mean it, was he speaking to her, i cannot get a ridiculous punishment like this.
when the policeman kept looking at her with his rock solid eyes, kirti got he message.
the punishment was indeed for her and she had to do it.
she seized her ears and at once a wave of nausea ran in her body.

"such a sweet little girl. have you ever been arrested before?" the police man asked with mockery.
"off course no." kirti felt a little foolish sitting and talking with ears held.
"have you ever seen anyone being arrested?"
"not exactly."
"when you do, you will know, catching the ears mean becoming a cockerel. stand up and become a cockerel."

kirti shuffled her feet and at once led go of her ears.
she could not believe her ears.
she sat, her buttocks stuck on the foam of the seat, transfixed by the punishment she had been mustered.
"go on, dont look at me like that."
kirti again felt lonely, cornered and helpless. she wanted her parents here right now.
all her life she had never been given such punishment.
the only punishments she had got were standing outside class, double homework and suspension from school.
she had never been beaten.
never held her ears even.
in the past half minute, she had already held her ears and now been given the most humiliating of the
my body is not made for this thing,
my family background people do not get this punishment,
all thoughts were coming in her mind.
she thought how could she come out of this situation.
become a cockerel, how ridiculous can it be.

"do it, what are you thinking!"
the man's voice was now hard. she knew he meant it and she had no choice.
sluggishly her legs moved. her buttocks rose from the chair.
she stood up and moved to the side.
the police man's eyes followed her.
she thought for a second. and did not know how and when her body started to get on with it.
slowly and gradually her arms started going under the legs. her body started to bend.
the police man knew that behind the slowness of the body is the shame of becoming a cockerel.
he started to enjoy it.
kirti still hadnt become a full cockerel. her ears were yet to be grasped.
"become properly, catch your ears."
with a little difficulty from her tight pants and shirt kirti became proper cockerel.
"very good, now remain like this until the mobile arrives."
kirti was not sure whether the police man was joking or serious, as her legs were already paining. not to forget the shame.

Since kirti's body was not accustomed to any such thing it started to pain immediately. her knees started
biting her in just a minute. holding of the ears was a hectic labour.
after a burdensome 2 minutes the police man started a little bit of an inquiry.
"For how long have you have you been working here?"
"for 8 months." kirti replied. her voice hoarse, finding its way difficult from her mouth because of the position
her body had held.
"what does your father do?"
after a series of trivial questions and answer session 5 minutes had passed. the conversation
was toughest for kirti. she had had a few difficult conversations before, like when her boyfriend asked some
straight questions about her privates, she found it difficult to answer them,
but now she realized answering simple questions in the cockerel pose is even difficult than answering
questions about your privates.

the cockerel pose had started bringing hell on her body now. her legs had become restless, swaying the
buttocks up and down to find a bit of relief, obviously it was no good. when she raised her buttocks up
it brought a second of comfort but then it started paining again, then she would lower them to find
a second of comfort. so every 2 to 3 seconds she was swaying her buttocks.
when she elevated her buttocks her tight pants also loosened a bit. which was a better feeling for
her. but when she dropped her buttocks the pant got tight, which made additional nuisance.
her sleeves were troublesome all through out. since her shirt was tense her sleeves were annoying her upper arms
and shoulders. tight clothes had made her whole body more rigid and stiff in the cockerel position.

she now wanted to scream from the agony her legs were inflicting on her. her ears were red and aching, because
of the fact that it was difficult to hold them. she was reaching her hands as much as she could and pulling her ear
lobes in order to sustain the hand and ear engagement, which was being well monitored by the police man.
a few more minutes passed with kirti struggling like she had never struggled before.

then shweta entered the store room. she did not knock, but just opened the door and came in. when her eyes fell
on kirti, she had a flash of many emotions at once. shock, surprise, loath, embarrassment, unease and finally
dread. dread came to her when she thought the police might also make her cockerel beside kirti because
she had entered without permission when the police men had asked her to stay out.
the thought made her shuffle back a little, she stood staring at kirti's body not knowing what to do.
she had come in to ask the police man how long will it be until the police vehicle arrives.
but now she stood transfixed by what she was just observing. she could swear she will get the order to
join kirti any second now. she had seen police men punishing people like this.
to her relief the police man asked in a polite tone,"yes? can i help you?"
"no, i just came to.. to check, how long untill you take her away?" shweta asked nervously.
"any time soon."
shweta left immediately afterwards and thanked God she was not punished.

Inside kirti had started to cry, because her body was ready to break apart from the agony.

to be continued.............